This is my story.

My name is Kim, and I am the founder of Changework Financial Coaching. I want to share a little about my journey to becoming a financial coach. Proudly, I have been consumer debt free for just over 2 years!!! I was able to pay off $18,360 in debt in just 8 months. I’ve also saved up a substantial emergency fund and paid cash for my used Benz ;)  My husband and I are currently paying extra on our mortgage and we are on track to be paid in full by summer 2021… WHICH. IS. 12. YEARS. EARLY!!!!

The future is bright and our goals are in reach, which I am grateful for every day. 

Unfortunately, it wasn’t always this way. I have struggled my entire life with my money and debt. I was 16 when I got approved for my 1st department store credit card. The fact that I could buy things, that I couldn’t otherwise afford and pay a small minimum monthly payment, blew my mind! Over the next 3 years I managed to find myself TWENTY-THOUSAND dollars in debt. In over my head and suddenly having trouble making those ‘small minimum’ monthly payments. I sought out help through credit counseling. The gentleman who helped me, looked at my numbers in shock and dismay and suggested that I file bankruptcy. I was only 19 years old. 

I got mad, I refused and I fought my way out of a lot of that debt just by getting a better paying job. But my spending habits didn’t change. So I ended up filing bankruptcy almost 10 years later when my debt was over FORTY-THOUSAND dollars! I actually couldn’t even AFFORD to file bankruptcy on my own, so I had to borrow money from a friend. This event was devastating. 

This cycle continued for years because even after all of that stress, I still hadn't changed my habits! Struggling to make it to my next paycheck and constantly attempting to pay things down while still swiping cards. Late payments and overdraft fees galore. There just never seemed to be enough money to cover everything. The constant worry, stress, embarrassment and shame around my finances was exhausting. 

It’s always been my dream to retire early and I knew if I kept living the way I was, that dream would never become a reality. I was finally ready to do things different. Obviously my plan so far - wasn’t working! So I started looking for solutions. I found simple steps to follow so that I could finally gain control. I began living on a budget and spending less than I made. I quit messing with debt and payments and started slowly building my savings to cover emergencies. I’ve learned how to organize and prioritize my needs and wants. I control where my money goes now instead of wondering where it all went. I am no longer weighed down with stress and worry and it feels great! 

My goal now is to help others reach their financial goals and feel the same freedom. 

If your plan hasn’t been working and you are ready….please….stop waiting. The sooner we get started the sooner you too, can be FREE!