Our Services
This is having a plan for your money BEFORE you get it, instead of wondering where it went after it’s already gone! It’s being intentional with every dollar. This step changes everything!
There will be unexpected things that come up from time to time, that’s just life. We will get you in the habit of slowly growing an emergency fund to cover these expenses in your times of need.
Let’s conquer your debt once and for all- let’s get rid of it! It’s doing nothing but holding you back. Do you know what you have if you don’t have any payments? You have money!
15-minute FREE Phone Consultation
Schedule a No-Obligation call with Coach Kim to discuss your specific financial challenges and goals. We'll chat about where you are right now and where you'd like to be. Together, we will determine if financial coaching is a good fit for you.
EyeOpener Session
1 1/2 - 2 hours $188
This session will provide so much clarity and value!
We will unpack some of your thoughts and feelings regarding finances and deep dive into your actual numbers such as expenses, income, debt totals, etc. We will then create a personalized plan for you with action steps to help you reach your goals!
** We also offer 3 and 5-month coaching packages at affordable prices for our clients.
This will be discussed after the completion of the EyeOpener Session, to determine if long-term coaching will be beneficial to you.